Severe nervousness treatment. Irritability: what causes it and how to deal with it
What is irritation? Experts describe the condition as a manifestation of negative emotions in a situation or person. The causes of irritability are diverse, it can be a symptom of a disease or a character trait. But outbursts of anger spoil relationships with others. How to cope with irritability?

Why am i annoyed
What do they say about excessive irritability? By irritation and irritability understand increased irritability. A person reacts to any minor situation with anger. Any little thing causes nervousness and irritability. Why is this happening? Consider the main causes of irritability.
Feature of the nervous system
With choleric temperament, irascibility is not a pathology. Typically, such people quickly calm down and may ask for forgiveness for a flash of anger.
Stressful situation
Irritability sometimes manifests itself when changing jobs, moving, prolonged stress, chronic lack of sleep. A person may be in a bad mood due to illness, fatigue. As a result, even the calmest people can be nervous and annoyed. In most cases, the mood and emotional sphere returns to normal when establishing a life situation.
Alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco addiction
In this case, the person reacts with anger in the absence of a certain substance causing breakage. Increased irritability is associated with addiction syndrome, which leads to severe physical and emotional discomfort.
Hormonal disbalance
Increased nervousness often occurs during pregnancy, during menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
Diseases of the internal organs
With any disease, not only fatigue can occur, but also excessive irritability. Symptoms are especially characteristic of thyroid diseases, neurological problems.
Psychological difficulties
- Depression. The disease is combined with low mood, there is rapid fatigue, insomnia. Sleep disturbance can cause nervousness.
- Neurosis. Fatigue, anxiety, symptoms of depression, constant irritability can be symptoms of neurosis.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder. The condition occurs in people who have experienced severe trauma. In addition to apathy, angry reactions, insomnia, nightmares, obsessive thoughts are observed.
Psychiatric illness
- Schizophrenia. At the onset of the disease, unexplained irritability and aggression may be the first signs. Schizophrenia is combined with isolation, anger, suspicion.
- Dementia An elderly disease, people acquire it after a stroke or age-related changes. In young patients, dementia occurs due to infections, severe traumatic brain injuries. Patients with dementia are prone to outbursts of anger, tearfulness, there is rapid fatigue, violation of logic, memory and speech. Irritability is combined with anger; patients cannot explain the cause of their anger.
How to deal with irritation?
If severe nervousness and outbursts of anger interfere with life, close people suffer, you should use the recommendations of specialists. It is important to identify the cause and rule out a serious illness. Sometimes it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, rather than a separate symptom. How to deal with temper and irritation?
Close attention to yourself
It is worth paying attention to your body, mood. Useful analysis. What makes you angry? What situations? It can be hunger, fatigue, discomfort. Psychologists recommend taking into account their physical needs, so as not to let the soul in discontent.
Physical activity
Outbursts of anger are cured by physical activity. You can deal with dissatisfaction with the help of physical exercises, hiking. With 20 minutes of exercise a day, you can reduce symptoms of depression and irritation.
Keeping a diary
It is useful to keep a hot-tempered diary. When are you angry with me? When am I screaming? In what situations? How many times a day? It is worth describing the cause of anger, the reaction of others and yours. In a week, you can understand the big picture and develop a plan to fight anger.
Relaxation techniques help cope with nervousness. If the mood changes, there is irritation, it is recommended to take a break. Helps relaxing gymnastics, work with breathing, auto-training.
Changing discontent for joy
Change negative thoughts. Irritation appears in the case of dissatisfaction with others or situations. "Yes, it's cold today, but there is an opportunity to watch your favorite movie in the evening." "They are pushing in the minibus, but we quickly arrived." "The child did not do homework, but he cleaned the apartment." With anger, reality is distorted, everything seems very gloomy. We analyze thoughts and state, change the mood to positive.
Learning empathy. Aggression and anger are not combined with compassion. Psychologists recommend doing something good to offenders. According to research, good deeds remove anger.
And let's not forget about humor! A tense situation helps defuse laughter and joke. It's better to laugh than to shout and be angry once again.
What else can be done?
Traditional medicine suggests using decoctions of medicinal herbs and bathing to combat irritation. The following herbs soothe:
- motherwort;
- cucumber grass;
- valerian;
- coriander.
If the measures taken do not help, you cannot independently remove the nervousness, then it is recommended to consult a psychologist or doctor. When mood affects performance, fatigue is present, then perhaps the cause of the condition may not be in character or fatigue, but complex treatment is necessary.
More and more often we become extremely irritable, embittered, capricious, nervous and prone to stress and depression. Chronic fatigue and irritability are usually symptoms of the same nervous system disorder. Naturally - a tired, exhausted person is much faster irritated and nervous about and even without it.
Why can a person get annoyed? The answer is quite simple: someone does not like the conditions of professional work, some have health problems, someone cannot solve problems in the family and in their personal lives. If a person spends a long time in such stressful conditions, then as a result this leads to stress, nervous and emotional stress, and irritation. The disorder of the nervous system is reflected in the well-being of a person - he becomes very lethargic, lethargic, tired, pale. Such people can then be thrown into chills, then into fever, sweating may increase, and the heartbeat will increase.
Causes of irritability
Among other causes of irritability, a mental disorder in a person is distinguished. Such patients tire very quickly, are prone to nervousness, loss of composure, impaired patience. Patients with mental disorders are very easy to lose their temper, it is difficult for them to control themselves, not to break down on others. Irritability in this case can cause harm, both to the person himself and to others.
People with mental disorders very quickly lose their temper, it is difficult for them to adapt in society, to establish relationships with others and close relatives.
Irritability can be congenital, but there are very few such cases and they are associated more with the lifestyle that a woman led during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman spent most of her pregnancy stressed, nervous, irritated, then the fetal nervous system begins to suffer.
Increased irritability is most often a symptom of physical and. If the patient cannot calm down after direct contact with the irritant, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. Otherwise, irritability can threaten a nervous breakdown and a disorder of the central nervous system.
To get rid of increased irritability, it is necessary first of all to establish the cause of its occurrence. That is, it can be problems at work, at home, in the family, with friends, etc.

The first and most important advice that psychologists give is good nutrition and prolonged sleep. As a rule, after resting, a person begins to start brain activity, therefore, he quickly finds a way out of the existing problem.
If you have complex hard work, then try to alternate mental stress with small physical walks. For those who work at home, the recommendation is the same - work one hour, 15 minutes - breathe fresh air or do an easy cleaning.
For full-fledged stable functioning of the body, it is necessary to fully eat and observe the drinking regime (about 2 liters of pure water should be drunk per day). It is proved that pure water has a calming effect on the human nervous system (dehydration, on the contrary, harms the basic systems of vital activity and the work of internal organs).
Permanent (sleep from 3 to 6 hours a day) after a week or two will lead to a state of chronic overwork. A constant desire for sleep causes nervousness, irritability, provokes aggression, nervous breakdowns in others. Naturally, in this state, it is difficult for a person to establish comfortable relations both at work and in his personal life. A healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours (and with prolonged lack of sleep, sometimes even 12 hours of sleep will not be enough for the body to rest).
To treat irritability, it is not recommended to resort to the use of alcohol and other alcoholic beverages; the same warning applies to smoking. Why? Because during smoking and taking alcohol, the cells of the body (that is, all internal organs, including the brain and heart) are deprived of oxygen. Therefore, gradually, dose by dose, you destroy brain cells.
Alcohol dulls the feeling of reality, a person forgets about all those reasons that could cause him irritability. But, at the same time, you risk acquiring a bad habit that is difficult to eradicate. Alcohol leads to depression and the ultimate loss of meaning in life.
Allegedly harmless coffee and tea also contribute to the fact that a person for a while becomes active, vigorous, but after a while, weakness and fatigue again make themselves felt. The maximum amount of coffee you can drink is 2 cups per day.
Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of irritability, nervousness, stress and depression:
- Take 1 tsp. seed, pour 1 cup boiling water and keep in a warm place for 1 hour. After - take the infusion as a medicine 4 times a day for 2 tbsp.
- 1 tbsp motherwort herb mixed with fresh zest of 1 lemon and 250 ml of boiling water. You need to insist the medicine for 3 hours, take 3-4 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp.
- Therapeutic mixture for increased irritability and disorders of the central nervous system - 500 ml of honey, 3 lemons, 1.5 tbsp. walnuts, 3 tablespoons alcohol tincture of hawthorn, 3 tbsp. valerian. The ingredients must be crushed in a blender and consumed before meals as a medicine for 1 tbsp.
- Hot bath with motherwort and valerian grass.
Pharmacy remedies for irritability
To combat irritability and nervousness, pharmacy products can be used. Before using them, you must first consult with your doctor.
Irritability is the general name for manifestations of excessive, excessive sensitivity in relation to everyday impressions, both pleasant and, most often, unpleasant, especially those that are aimed at pride. For the most part, it is characterized as constantly arising, but short-term outbreaks of discontent, relatively shallow manifestations of hostility, verbal and indirect aggression, focused on someone or something. (Glossary of terms Zhmurova V.A.)
Each person's irritation manifests itself in different ways: some are embraced by anger and aggression, while others struggle to restrain themselves, experiencing an internal storm of emotions. In any case, if you are annoyed, it means that you are emotionally reacting to the situation, and it is significant for you.
Irritation - like any emotion - is a signal of our inner self. It arises when there is something or someone that does not meet our expectations and ideas, some situation that takes us beyond the comfort zone. Annoyance, as it were, says to us: "Stop. Take a look around. There is something you don't like and bother you. You can change that." This feeling can occur at different times in life, it is experienced by all people. And this is normal.
When we talk about irritability, we already have in mind a not very pleasant trait of character, a person's ability to often react to others, showing precisely a feeling of annoyance and discontent.
Causes of irritability
Psychologists identify several causes of irritability: psychological and physiological. Psychological reasons include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. All these factors lead to a weakening of the nervous system, which eventually begins to respond to the stimulus.
Physiological reasons include a lack of vitamins or minerals in the body. For example, experts argue that dieting women are often irritated. This happens due to the fact that any diet is accompanied by a vitamin deficiency, which provokes a similar condition. Also, do not forget that the source of anger can be substances that enter our body from the outside. This, for example, alcohol or certain medications.
The cause of irritation may be a certain obstacle that occurs on the way to the intended goal. And as a result, a person reacts with irritation to this hindrance, which violated his plans. People may interfere, or circumstances may. Only one person will be disappointed and anxious to get together, rethink their actions and achieve their desired goal.
Another may go into irritability, that is, he will begin to react painfully to the very situation of failure, to the people who surround him, to some little things that may not even be related to the obstacle he encountered. This state does not help to overcome the obstacle and get out of the current situation, but only exacerbates it. The result is anger, anger and aggression. Consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist will be the best solution, but it will save time and internal resources that are needed to solve the problem.
In fact, irritation is just an emotion that is triggered by the environment and people. But how we react to it, nevertheless, depends on our own perception. And different people can very differently relate to the same situation. For one she will cause anger and anger, for another she may seem amusing and cheerful, and the third will even feel fear. For example, a broken plate, one person will cause positive emotions, he will think that it is fortunately and to some extent even be happy with such an incident. For another, this situation will leave sadness and sadness, because it was his favorite plate. And the third will fall into anger and aggression, because his plans did not include cleaning of fragments.
Man is also annoyed by what he is not internally able to accept in other people. These may be certain beliefs that run counter to its principles. And the person is sure that he is right, that his actions are correct and that everyone should agree with him and act just like him. Therefore, when people meet on the way with a different worldview, with different habits, many simply can not accept this internally. From this we can conclude that we ourselves can be the cause of our irritability. Indeed, if certain factors annoy us, this means that they own us, that we allow them to firmly settle in our subconscious mind.
How to get rid of irritability
Everyone knows that a surge of emotions in some cases is even useful. But often irritability goes beyond all boundaries and ultimately becomes our negative habit. It is urgent to take certain measures.
Sometimes, to get rid of the source of irritation, a radical change in the situation is needed. You need to get rid of a person who causes negative emotions, stop watching news and programs that can lead to depression, or stop reading certain information on the Internet that has a negative effect. It follows that sometimes in order to get rid of a feeling of irritability it is enough just to get rid of a stimulus.
But this will only work in the case of a single situation. It also happens that we remove the source of irritation, but instead of the long-awaited peace there is a new "intruder". This happens when some object is a kind of "pear" for placing our emotions of anger and discontent. Therefore, getting rid of the source in this case does not help - our feelings remain with us, and subconsciously we are looking for a new reason that will allow us to react to what is happening to us.
You may find there are many annoying situations. But they are all connected by something in common, it can be some character traits in others, a violation of your personal space, a violation by others of their obligations and much more.
And here the question arises, how do you deal with this? Can you protect yourself from situations that are chronically traumatic? Can you convey to another what is a constant source of annoyance for you and change relationships? Can you minimize communication with those who are unpleasant to you? Do you know how to see and recognize character flaws not only yours, but also others?
The answers to these questions can be found independently or with the help of a specialist. In them very often lies an understanding of the source of irritability - and this is the first step to changing your emotional state and getting rid of your irritability.
It also happens that the cause of your annoyance is incredibly difficult to find. A person is involved in different situations, each of which can become an occasion for anger and aggression. In this situation, experts in the field of psychology recommend daily recording of things that cause negative emotions during the week. Irritating factors can be completely different factors, including little things. For example, a picky boss or a queue in a store.
If there are many situations that annoy you, and sometimes you are even surprised at the strength and harshness of your own reactions that arise in some insignificant moments, then it's time to seek help. Here the matter will no longer be in the situation, but either
- in the characteristics of your personality, excessive sensitivity and anxiety (for example, very vulnerable people often cover up internal defenselessness with aggression),
- in acute stressful situations and depletion of internal resources (increased irritability may, for example, appear when it is necessary to care for a seriously ill relative).
- your readiness for the fact that they will "attack" you, criticize, condemn, devalue your views, etc., which means that you will be more prepared to react aggressively and with irritation.
Psychotherapy for irritability
We are not always able to control our emotions. And sometimes it's impossible to find the true causes of irritability. Moreover, such a search can lead, for example, to the use of alcohol. This method relieves nervous tension and improves mood, but only for a while.
In a situation where irritability goes beyond all boundaries and causes emotional disorders, it is best to resort to the help of a psychotherapist. It will help to understand the causes of irritability, as well as give the right recommendations in order to avoid a state of oppression and irritation. The specialist is looking for an individual approach to each client, applying a special set of techniques that will be most effective for him.
The basis of psychotherapy in such a situation is aimed at ensuring that the client, first of all, is able to understand himself, to understand what exactly causes his attacks of anger and aggression and why this happens. And the specialist's task is to help the client answer these questions and teach him to react less painfully to certain events and situations in life. Therefore, the first meeting with a psychotherapist consists most often in a diagnostic conversation, on the basis of which an individual methodology is developed to combat the problem.
An integral part of psychotherapy is the technique of relaxation and self-control. After the client learns to control himself, the number of bouts of irritation will noticeably decrease. Well-being will gradually return to normal, improve mood and quality of life. The help of a qualified specialist in problems of irritation gives a positive result, teaches to relate to many things much easier and simpler.
People react differently to this or that situation, for some this cannot cause special emotions, while others will splash them out in a burst with great force. Such increased irritability in psychology is called irritability. It can manifest itself at any age, while having various symptoms.
An annoyed person always causes negative emotions; he can be rude, insult, and even cause physical harm. Often irritation is considered a sign of temperament, in which case it is very difficult to deal with its manifestations. But there are cases that severe irritation arises as a result of the influence of external and internal factors. Why does it arise and how to deal with it?
Causes of irritability
Almost everyone is familiar with irritability; it often arises as a reaction to a person's hectic lifestyle that brings fatigue and frequent emotional upheavals.
All reasons are divided by experts into four groups, depending on the source of excitability:
- Genetic factors
- Psychological factors;
- Physiological factors;
- Pathological factors.
A genetic factor is manifested if increased excitability and irritability are inherited. In this case, it becomes a bright character trait and does not require treatment. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that it is usually difficult for such a person to adapt to society.
By: Winona Tse, MD