Anxiety as a serious symptom

Anxiety and panic disorders are considered particularly common mental disorders. Indeed, today the number of undetected or insufficiently correctly diagnosed disorders of this type is extremely high, and the manifestations of such ailments, in particular, anxiety, are often attributed to some other diseases. 

Anxiety disorders negatively affect the quality of life of patients, disrupting daily life and reducing performance. As the statistics show, such pathological conditions can be diagnosed in about five percent of the inhabitants of our planet. Moreover, the first manifestations of anxiety disorders most often occur before the age of thirty.

What causes anxiety?

Today, no doctor can accurately determine the factors that influence the formation of anxiety disorders. There is a fairly popular point of view that such pathological conditions are associated with impaired regulation of emotional anxiety. The influence of excessively strong or repetitive factors that cause the onset of anxiety leads to the formation of centers of mental activity in the human brain, as well as to the creation of additional pathways for the reproduction of a feeling of fear. In many ways, the occurrence of anxiety disorders is associated with a hereditary predisposition.


Anxiety disorders are characterized by the appearance of excessive anxiety in the conditions of ordinary life, in situations that arise every day. Abnormal anxiety, in turn, causes depression of the state and becomes the cause of the development of a number of disorders affecting general health and work, and family, as well as intimate relationships. 

The onset of anxiety disorders is accompanied by impaired sleep quality. People with similar problems most often feel difficulty falling asleep, their sleep becomes hectic and does not bring a sense of rest.

Many patients are faced with the problem of motor restlessness, which they cannot control. Potential manifestations of anxiety disorders include abnormal fears and incomprehensible misgivings. At the same time, fears can spread not only to themselves, but also to loved ones. Feelings often arise. Anxiety disorders are characterized by an undulating course.

Panic attacks

It is believed that panic attack is one of the classic manifestations of anxiety disorder and its peak. Panic happens quite suddenly, for no apparent reason and without a specific trigger. Some patients notice that such a symptom develops as a certain reaction of the body to the occurrence of unfavorable emotional experiences. At the same time, a feeling of uncontrollable intense fear appears, which in its severity is similar to madness and is accompanied by the illusion of impending death. Panic waves form extremely quickly within just a few minutes.

With the development of a panic attack, a feeling of a strong heartbeat is observed, shortness of breath or choking appears . Very often, the appearance of abnormally strong fear is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, excessive sweating, trembling or chills, disturbances in the activity of the digestive tract. When the period of panic attack passes, the feeling of increased anxiety does not disappear anywhere, the person is simply afraid of a recurrence of unpleasant symptoms.  

It is the appearance of systemic panic attacks that most often becomes the reason for seeking qualified medical help.

What to do? Which doctor should I go to?

Anxiety and restlessness leads to a constant nervous state, rapid fatigue, irritability and muscle tension. The constant presence of such disorders of well-being significantly reduces the quality of life. Therefore, the occurrence of any manifestations of anxiety disorders is a reason for consulting a doctor. So, while maintaining the ability to work and the ability to be critical of your ailment, it is better to seek help from a therapist or neurologist. Also, a family doctor can conduct an initial consultation and diagnosis of anxiety.

In the presence of alcohol or drug addiction, suicidal thoughts, aggressive behavior and other signs of personality destruction, it is advisable to consult a psychiatrist.

Diagnosing anxiety

Diagnosing anxiety can be very easy and not a problem for the doctor. But sometimes the need to identify such a violation causes certain difficulties. It is important for a specialist to exclude possible problems in the activity of internal organs that can give similar manifestations. After all, anxiety disorders in some cases flow very similarly to endocrine ailments, neurological pathologies, arrhythmias and diseases of the respiratory system. Diagnosis of anxiety implies not only high qualifications of the doctor, but also the complete openness of the patient. With a mild course of health problems, it is quite possible to cope with it in a relatively short period of time. 

help yourself

To eliminate anxiety disorders, the patient needs to act independently. So, with such health problems, it is extremely important to reduce caffeine intake, abandon nicotine addiction, optimize night rest and add physical activity.

As practice shows, in many cases, patients completely underestimate the positive impact of physical education on health in general and on the psyche in particular. Increasing physical activity can be the most economical and effective treatment. Moreover, the choice of such a pastime depends solely on the patient’s personal preferences. Someone prefers running, someone likes swimming, and someone enjoys dancing or aerobics. Having found the best option for yourself, you can bring tremendous benefits to your physical and psychological health.

Excessive anxiety, which is accompanied by a noticeable impairment of well-being and causes a deterioration in the quality of life, is a serious reason to seek medical help.

event_note October 10, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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