Cracking skin on hands

Why does the skin on the hands crack? Hands are almost always in sight. And therefore, cracks on them give the hands an unkempt and unhealthy look. And it’s also painful and unpleasant. The wounds take a long time to heal.

You need to take care of your hand skin no less than your face skin. There are a lot of cosmetics for them on sale. Yes, and folk recipes on the Internet and in other sources can be counted in tens, hundreds and even thousands. From the simplest to the most complex multicomponent.

Reasons why the skin on the hands cracks

1. Temperature. No, it’s not about body temperature. And about the sharp changes in the external. For example, you just walked in from a cold street and immediately put your hands under hot water. All. Here it is – a sharp temperature drop. The skin cannot withstand such stress. Cracks appear. Yes, and the nails will begin to suffer. Especially if they are extended.

2. Water. Long-term exposure to water has a negative effect on the skin. The skin gains too much in itself and does not withstand in the end.

3. Detergents. Household chemicals harm not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails. Too dry. And dry skin does not have the necessary elasticity. And even a simple bending of the fingers or folding into a fist causes severe pain. As a result, the integrity of the skin is compromised.

4. Lack of vitamins. In particular, fat-soluble A and E. They can be taken both internally and applied externally. A double blow, so to speak. With a lack of these vitamins in the body, not only the skin suffers, but also its derivatives: nails and hair. They become brittle, fragile, lifeless, dull.

5. Hormonal disruption. The skin reacts to a lack or excess of any hormones not only by increased secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands. Also, the elasticity of the skin is lost, it becomes dry. Dry skin is more prone to injury.

6. Diseases. Dermatitis, eczema, fungus. The skin from these diseases is not necessary on its own, but after consultation with a specialist. The right medicines, diet, creams – and your hands will be great again.

Treatment and prevention of cracked hand skin

Prevention is always better than remediation of negligence.

1. Always wear rubber gloves on your handles when washing the floor, dishes, or cleaning the sink, tub or toilet. Yes, at first it will be uncomfortable and unusual, but a person gets used to everything. Over time, you cannot even imagine how you used to do without it. In addition, cream or glycerin can be applied under gloves while doing housework. They will soften your skin. Nourished leather is less prone to cracking.

2. Vitamins. Take complex medications. Remember that vitamins A and E are fat soluble. Therefore, it is better to buy them in an oil solution. You can also squeeze the contents of the capsules into a single serving of the cream and apply to your hands. So the nutrients will also come from the outside. And if you apply a cream with vitamins not only to the pens, but also to the nails, then very soon (subject to the regularity of the procedures) you will notice changes. The nails will become strong, shiny, with a healthy color. And they will grow faster. The amount of burrs will decrease.

3. When the skin on the hands is cracking, it may be worth revising the hygiene products. The soap may contain too much alkali. Change it to liquid. The nursery is ideal. It is more gentle on the skin. Doesn’t dry out the skin as much.

4. After each contact with water, be sure to moisturize your skin with cream. Nourish it from the outside, remembering to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will fill all the skin cells with water from the inside.

5. If you have a skin disease, then there is only medication. Usually, hydrocortisone ointments are prescribed. This hormone allows the skin to heal faster. But its excess gives the opposite effect – the skin becomes thinner and you can “earn” skin atrophy. If the cause of the cracks is a fungus, then the ointment should also be fungicidal. In addition, the course of treatment must be followed inside and out. Even if you see an improvement, in no case should you give it up. And continue treatment. Otherwise, there will be a relapse, and the fungus will gain resistance to the components of the ointment. You can, of course, and pills. But the best effect on the mycelium of the fungus will be with topical application of drugs.

6. When you go outside, hide your pens. It is best to wear gloves. Even if there is no frost outside. Wind protection won’t hurt.

7. Dry air at home harms not only hair. But the skin also dries up. But not only the skin of the hands, but also the face becomes gray and lifeless. And the whole body becomes less elastic. Buy a humidifier. You can, of course, constantly hang wet towels on the batteries. Or put dishes with water near the heaters.

8. Caring cosmetics. Folk recipes for masks. It doesn’t matter which one you choose. The main thing is to regularly nourish the skin. Masks with honey, glycerin, vitamins A, B, E. You can rinse with decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calendula, linden, plantain, nettle and others. If there are no cracks, then you can do a sugar scrub. After the first application, the hands become velvety.

9. Cotton gloves may be worn at night. And on the skin, first apply either a fat cream (you can use it for children) or oil (for example, olive oil).

event_note September 20, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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