So the time of heavy fur coats has ended, the time has come for light jackets, spring has come. Finally, you can go out in all the outfits that have been lying down for a long winter, show off before friends with dresses brought from abroad, flirt, but you never know the reasons to finally throw off your hoodies that are hateful for the winter!
And here, so inappropriately, a wound on the arm. And where it came from, it seems there was nothing! And this, together with spring, came to us and seasonal exacerbation of allergies, seasonal exacerbation of dermatoses.
Despite the slightly scary name, the concept of dermatosis includes a huge number of different skin diseases, both different in the clinical picture and in the reasons for their occurrence.
The reason may be external factors, such as bites of various insects, various mechanical injuries, tattoos, and much more. So are the internal factors, it can be stresses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and all that can, one way or another, undermine your immunity.
Most often, dermatoses occur in the form of psoriasis and neurodermatitis, and if the causes of the former are still not fully known, the latter are one of the symptoms of allergies and occur after skin contact with cosmetics or contact with pet hair.
The treatment of the disease occurs individually for each person, since each specific case is unique and there is not one single treatment method. However, one way or another, in any case, a specialist’s control will be a prerequisite, as this is the only guarantee for the development of complications.
Only one thing remains constant, with any of the subspecies of dermatosis, the level of various poisons and allergens in our blood just rolls over, which every second poison our body, not forgetting to take away all our strengths, both physical and moral. This is observed both in all kinds of depressions and in low working capacity. In order to cleanse the blood and significantly improve one’s well-being, it is necessary to take a new generation of enterosorbents, such as, for example, Polysorb MP, which for the better differs from its competitors in indication for use by pregnant women and children and a high sorbing surface.
In addition to cleaning the body from the inside, you should brighten up the manifestation of the disease from the outside, using a variety of pharmacological agents that can reduce itching and reduce the inflammatory process.
Let spring bring you only warmth and joy without diluting them with sores!