How to overcome anxiety and fear of the dentist?

Anxiety and fear are the main feelings that arise before visiting the dentist, and this is the most common reason for delaying a visit to the doctor. As a result, often even banal caries turns into complications – pulpitis, periodontitis. And already these diseases are much more difficult to treat, and often during treatment a person feels pain. Patients form associations: dentist – pain. So prevent pain? And when to put the oral cavity in order? Now you can’t later – let’s put the comma correctly.  

Anxiety and the dentist’s office are inseparable

Anxiety and fear of the dentistry office are genetically inherent and transmitted through mother’s milk. In the heads of many patients, there is still the conviction that dental and gum treatment is always pain. Oil is added to the fire by terrible tools, various hooks and thin needles, the sound of a drill, and the manipulations themselves cause tremors in the knees of many.

Yes, sometimes, dental treatment is unpleasant and even painful. But this pain can be easily prevented, it is enough to come to the dentist in a timely manner, not only when there are any problems, but also for preventive examinations.

Modern dentistry has been using advanced technologies for a long time, and dental treatment has not caused pain for a long time. Only the anxiety of patients does not disappear, but still continues to sit somewhere deep.  

It is enough just to understand the situation – treatment of caries, which does not bring any unpleasant sensations under anesthesia, and treatment of pulpitis – complications of caries, which often takes place in several visits, is long and is associated with pain. The difference is more obvious and proves the best way possible that you need to make an appointment today and visit the dentist not only when it hurts, but also for preventive examinations. Such simple actions are the best prevention of complications, save a lot of money, and relieve anxiety and fears of dental treatment.

Fear of pain – how to overcome?

It is possible and even necessary to overcome fear and anxiety in front of hospital doctors. And there are several ways to do this, but in order to achieve positive results, you need to fulfill several conditions at once. First of all, you need to choose a doctor with whom contact will be established and a trusting relationship will arise from the first visit. In search of the best dentist, you can take the advice of friends and acquaintances. A competent specialist will not only dispel all fears and anxiety, but will also draw up a treatment plan that will help to put the oral cavity in order.

Anxiety and fear are also overcome by medical methods – this process is called premedication . After a preventive examination at the dentist, before direct treatment, patients are prescribed a course of sedatives that will help keep anxiety under control. A successful and painless treatment will strengthen the result.

Patients should understand that the main goal of the dentist is to cure, alleviate the condition and prevent complications that affect not only the oral cavity, but the whole body as a whole. And pain and discomfort during treatment is a severe necessity in order to make a correct diagnosis, but they can also be avoided. Therefore, you need to go to the doctor’s appointment now – now, you can’t later.

Prevention, Treatment, Removal – Dental Industries

In dentistry, you can find many specialists, because dentistry is an extensive science that includes many branches. Doctors deal with treatment, prosthetics, and implantation. Dentistry is also about prevention, aesthetics and occlusion correction.

Sometimes patients simply do not know where to start and which specialist to make an appointment with. Many clinics have examination rooms where doctors perform a complete and thorough examination, assess the condition of the oral cavity and draw up a treatment plan.

Most often, treatment begins with a visit to a therapist – sanitation of the oral cavity, healing of carious teeth, complications of caries. Several specialists are often involved in the treatment process – orthopedists who restore the dentition, implantologists, surgeons and many others.

After treatment, patients are invited to visit the hygienist’s office, or the therapist performs the same manipulations. The main goal of a hygienist is to remove all provoking factors of diseases of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity – tartar, plaque, to assess whether crowns, fillings and much more are placed correctly. The final manipulations are reduced to professional oral hygiene – the best prevention of dental diseases.  

The ultimate authority for dental and gum treatment is the prophylaxis office. In this office, the doctor will tell you how to care for the oral cavity, select the basic and additional hygiene products, and teach you how to brush your teeth correctly. Then comes the turn of the prevention of dental diseases – additional saturation of teeth with minerals, drawing up an individual schedule of visits.

Prevention of dental diseases: an individual schedule of visits

Overcoming anxiety and getting an appointment with the dentist is half the battle. It remains only to trust the doctors, to withstand the treatment and strictly follow all the recommendations of the specialists. But even that is not enough.

It is not enough just to put the oral cavity in order, it must be regularly maintained. How? First of all, establish oral hygiene, give up bad habits, eat right and regularly visit a specialist’s office for preventive examinations.

The schedule of visits deserves special attention. Most patients feel that visiting the dentist twice a year is enough. Moreover, white-toothed models confirm this from blue screens. In fact, not everything is so simple.

A two-time visit to the dentist is sufficient for people with absolute health, in whose history there are no diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys and other internal organs. In addition to the absence of diseases, it is also necessary to quit bad habits, especially smoking. In this case, a two-time visit to the dentist is sufficient. But, unfortunately, few people can boast of such health.

Otherwise, patients with diseases of internal organs, bad habits need to visit the dentist much more often. The schedule of visits is drawn up on an individual basis, as a rule, it is every three months, sometimes even more often.

“Now, not later!” – the main slogan in achieving the goal of improving the body. It is worth remembering that dental diseases can cause the development of pathologies of internal organs or a deterioration in the condition of existing ones. The oral cavity is especially firmly connected with the digestive tract, and this leads to their mutual influence. Therefore, having overcome anxiety, you need now to make an appointment with the dentist and put your oral cavity in order. And the faster you can do it, the more chances you have for pleasant and painless treatment and taming the fear of dentists.

event_note October 26, 2020

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