Menopause bleeding

All women, approaching adulthood, involuntarily begin to remember information about the upcoming menopause. Unfortunately, it is often fragmentary and not systematic. And if transmitted from friends or hovers in the form of rumors, then it is unreliable. For this reason, the ladies’ consciousness is overwhelmed with unreasonable fears, anxiety and suspiciousness increase. In particular, this applies to such a physiological manifestation as uterine bleeding with menopause. Find out what it is.

  • Bleeding or menstruation?
  • What causes profuse blood loss during menopause?
  • Signs of bleeding during premenopause
  • Menopause bleeding
  • What to do if you suspect uterine bleeding with menopause?
  • Folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of uterine bleeding

Bleeding or menstruation?

Disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system, causing irreversible changes in the body, in the initial period of menopause determine the imbalance of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish what is actually happening. A landmark such as time frames is already unreliable. There are several reliable signs that the discharge is indeed bleeding:

  • the presence of large bloody clots in them;
  • a general blood test reveals a low level of hemoglobin;
  • severe (often cramping) pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the need for a much more frequent change of gaskets;
  • the duration of heavy discharge more than a few days;
  • their presence after intimate contact;
  • weakness, dizziness, apathy;

What causes profuse blood loss during menopause?

The causes of uterine bleeding in the menopause are not as diverse as in the full-fledged childbearing. The main one is hormonal restructuring. It is a decrease in the production of progesterone and estrogen that provokes changes in the uterine mucosa. Disruptions in the endocrine system and metabolic imbalance exacerbate this process. Therefore, if a woman at such a difficult time for her has at least one of these dysfunctions, it means that she is at risk and simply must visit a doctor much more often. This will allow you to track emerging changes and carry out appropriate treatment.

Other reasons:

  • polyps in the uterus;
  • insufficient blood coagulability;
  • adhesive processes in the uterine cavity;
  • endometriosis (a special case of adenomyosis, which manifests itself as the growth and fusion of the muscle layer and mucous membrane);

Signs of bleeding during premenopause

Premenopause is precisely the time when the body begins to rebuild, preparing for the complete extinction of reproductive function. The reasons are known: a shift in hormonal balance and age-related changes. During this period, most women still have a relatively regular cycle, but the symptoms of developing menopause begin to make themselves felt. It is quite difficult to distinguish menstruation from uterine bleeding at this stage. Therefore, you should focus on the following signs:

  • different intensity of secretions;
  • their duration from a couple of weeks to several months;
  • any unstable and prolonged bloody discharge during hormone therapy (in particular, progesterone treatment);
  • anemia;
  • the presence of clots;
  • lethargy, dizziness;

There are two other reasons for this trouble: taking hormonal contraceptives and the presence of an intrauterine device. Bleeding can occur against the background of an incorrect dosage of drugs or damage to the walls of the uterus by a foreign body in it. It should be understood that in the premenopausal stage, ovarian function is steadily dying away and the need for protection from pregnancy is decreasing year by year. Therefore, you need to start treating yourself much more carefully and get rid of contraceptives that are no longer needed. This decision of a woman must be dictated by the recommendations of her gynecologist. Only he will be able to determine how minimal the risk of an unplanned conception of a new life is and, if the situation requires it, will prescribe a treatment appropriate to the state of the body.

Menopause bleeding

Recall that this period is the shortest stage of menopause. It lasts in most cases no more than a year. If all its signs are present, and menstruation has long been absent and not expected, the occurrence of spotting from the uterus should be considered as bleeding. The reasons here may be as follows:

  • the possible presence of neoplasms in the uterus, both evil and benign;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • extragenital (not directly related to the genitals: liver disease, bleeding disorders, etc.)
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • structural gynecological disorders;

Excessive bloody discharge during the most “dry” period of menopause – postmenopause, can occur only and exclusively against the background of the above reasons.

What to do if you suspect uterine bleeding with menopause?

In this case, urgent measures must be taken: procrastination is fraught with very unpleasant complications. First of all, you should try to determine as accurately as possible how much blood loss is. If it arises suddenly and its volume exceeds 80 ml, then the situation is more than serious. Hemostatic drugs should be taken:

  • Vikasol
  • Etamsylate
  • Dicinon et al.
  • It is advisable to take iron-containing drugs to replenish hemoglobin
  • There are means of instant stopping bleeding: Non-ovlon, Regididon, Marvelon, etc.
  • The following helps to stop the bleeding: in the supine position, put a cold heating pad on the lower abdomen and spend time until the doctor arrives. Douches and warm baths are prohibited.

It is unnecessary to remind you that you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. In the hospital they will make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It usually consists of the following:

• curettage of the uterine cavity;

• either urgent removal of the tumor or polyps is performed;

• treatment with hormonal and hemostatic drugs. Its main direction: prevention of relapse;

• normalization of the physiological and psychological state;

Folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of uterine bleeding

All these recommendations can be used in conjunction with traditional therapy. But in case of allergies, chronic diseases, neoplasms of different etiologies, infusions of herbs are allowed to be taken only with the approval of a doctor.

  • A decoction of nettle dioica effectively stops bleeding with menopause. The treatment is as follows: take the same amount of water and dry nettle leaves, boil the composition for 10 minutes and take 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours;
  • It will help stop bleeding and the skin of an orange. It is better to take a natural, not a hybrid. The latter are often brought from China. Rinse from 5-7 oranges and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Reception: at least 3 times a day, 4 tablespoons;
  • Ripe viburnum berries are squeezed, sugar is added to the resulting juice in a ratio of 1: 2. Treatment: the syrup is half diluted with boiled water. Drink 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day;

Each representative of the fair sex should very well understand that her health in the vast majority of cases directly depends on self-esteem. Those who regularly visit the doctor, study information about upcoming age-related changes, take care of themselves, and are much less likely to experience complications during menopause.

event_note June 16, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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