Personal psychology: how to overcome anxiety and fear

Life in constant anxiety deprives a person of the opportunity to enjoy every day and develop as a person. Fear fetters not only mental manifestations, but also physical ones – this can manifest itself in attacks of suffocation, panic attacks, heart palpitations and sweating. The psychology of a person living in constant anxiety depends not only on the intensity of past losses and failures, but also on the fear for the near future. Having experienced severe stress or a feeling of panic fear, a person begins to fear and worry about his future. Thoughts about negative events, uncertainty, destroy it from the inside, block the ability to develop, and can lead to psychosomatic diseases. The psychology of anxiety and fear is rooted in a violation of the emotional background of a person, and it often happens that it is difficult to do without the help of a specialist – a psychologist or a psychotherapist. But there are practical guidelines you can use to help yourself stop experiencing endless anxiety and fear.

Human psychology: stop waiting for the bad

The psychology of a person who is in tension and expectation of bad things depends on experienced negative emotions, makes it difficult to take a sober look at the situation and take responsibility for oneself. Stop expecting failure. There is no point in recalling past negative events – they can no longer influence you, and the psychology of your memories activates this influence. Leave the past in the past once and for all. Look to the future and imagine the positive and enjoyable moments that you will encounter. Know how to manage your mood so that only rainbow pictures appear in your thoughts about the future.

Psychology of personal anxiety control

The psychology of a person who experiences anxiety and fear due to past shocks or worries about the future is prone to frequent bouts of anxiety and depression. This happens due to unresolved problems or a difficult situation in which a person finds himself. To stop worrying and not fall into the trap of negative events, you need to stop the flow of thoughts that cause anxiety. Take control of your thoughts. 

Get in the habit of saying “stop” whenever images of the bad things that can happen to you pop up in your head. After that, it is advisable to distract yourself – to do something that will capture all your attention and bring pleasure. It can be something useful or enjoyable: cleaning the house and writing desk, preparing unusual food, reading positive literature, doing an active activity – do exercises, do twenty squats, do push-ups, run a circle, or take a bike ride. The developmental psychology of a person free from anxiety depends on the ability to distract oneself from negative ideas by any means. This will be the very first step in overcoming anxiety.  

Look at your thoughts from the outside

The psychology of overcoming anxious thoughts and fears depends on the ability to look at yourself and your thoughts from a third person. Analyze your own actions and thoughts: what is the nature of anxiety? By answering this question, you can get rid of the negative impact on your own emotional state: by mentally ending a relationship or event that brings discomfort. Face your fear:

  • State what you fear or worry about.
  • Understand the cause of the alarm.
  • Imagine what will happen if your fears are confirmed.
  • Think about what you will do next.

Having carried out such an analysis, in a number of cases it turns out that the situation is not so dire, and many fears and anxieties are imaginary, not real.

Psychology of fear and how to get rid of it

Fear destroys a person from the inside, does not allow him to strive forward, deprives him of good opportunities in personal and professional spheres. To get rid of fear, you need to understand its nature and how fear is – real or imagined. This analysis can be helped by a psychologist or psychotherapist. Recommendations on how to get rid of fear on your own:

  • Learn and practice breathing exercises.
  • Study your personal psychology to understand the cause of fears and how to get rid of them. 
  • Get involved in art therapy.
  • Learn to shift your focus and say stop to yourself during anxiety attacks.
  • Learn and apply meditation techniques.

Developmental Psychology of Serenity: Training and Relaxation

The psychology of normalizing the emotional state and achieving calmness depends on what we feed our soul and body with. Personal growth trainings and relaxation activities can help you stop worrying and get rid of fear. You can contact a specialist for them, or you can organize relaxation classes yourself. Take a relaxing bath every day. Add your favorite herbal aromas to the water, listen to relaxing music, read literature that inspires you to do new things and improve your own life. Think about what you dreamed of as a child and strive to make your dream come true.

Develop a habit of taking care of yourself

The developmental psychology of getting rid of fear depends on the ability to take care of yourself and value yourself as a person. Establish a daily routine and diet. You will feel a surge of strength and vitality. The psychology of an active and healthy person depends on the ability to correctly plan your life, clearly distributing work, sleep and time for pleasant activities in it. Go in for sports or creativity. An active lifestyle contributes to the development of strength, endurance and the production of hormones responsible for well-being. Find a job you like, communicate with positive people, visit public places, raise your level of culture and education – then anxiety and fear simply will not have a place in your life. Look at yourself lovingly as the most important person in your life and you will feel how the psychology of development of emotional and physical health is activated in your life .  

event_note January 6, 2021

account_box Winona Tse MD

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