Severity and rules for the use of hormonal ointments

Glucocorticosteroids, or simply steroids, are a subject of particular concern to parents whose children are prescribed ointments with their contents. In turn, such concerns of parents become a problem for doctors who can not convince them otherwise. One phrase “hormonal ointment” makes parents awe and fear. How justified is he?

Why hormones cannot be avoided

Compared with other drugs, hormonal ointments more actively help get rid of allergic skin manifestations. In people’s memory, the impression of hormonal treatment in the form of injections and tablets, which had a systemic effect on the whole body, firmly took its place. In contrast, modern drugs in the form of ointments do not have such an effect on the body. However, the intensity of their actions cannot be diminished either; they should be used only strictly as prescribed by the doctor and according to the instructions. If you follow all the recommendations, then hormonal drugs can be used without fear in the smallest children. Atopic dermatitis can be caused by an allergy to food, and skin lesions can be caused by other allergens and irritants. The lesion may appear localized, and may spread to large areas of the skin.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis is a complex and multidirectional process. And one of the important components is the appointment of external preparations in the form of ointments and creams. Those, in turn, are hormonal and non-hormonal.

With a mild form of dermatitis, positive treatment results are achieved thanks to a properly selected diet and conventional external drugs. If the course of dermatitis is severe, you have to resort to local use of glucocorticosteroids. The correct use of hormonal external drugs helps to eliminate the acute symptoms of dermatitis, prevent its transition to the chronic stage and achieve a remission process.

Among a wide variety of hormonal external preparations, ointments of weak, strong and very strong action stand out. To date, for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, sufficiently strong and highly effective drugs are prescribed, which are simultaneously characterized by safety and prolonged action. When treating with local hormonal drugs, a short course is chosen – 3-5 days, the ointment is applied once a day.

According to the doctor’s prescription, the course can be intermittent, i.e. the hormonal agent alternates with the usual one when the exacerbation passes.

In modern pharmacology, local steroid preparations are known in various forms of release: lotion, emulsion, cream, ointment. This or that form is appointed depending on indications. After weeping erosion, redness remains, which is treated with hormonal creams. The same applies for reddening in the crease and other superficial lesions. If there is a chronic or subacute process without weeping lesions, but with thickenings of the epidermis, cracks, ointments that penetrate deeper are used. Emulsion and lotion are used to treat affected areas of the scalp.
Contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs for external use

If there are viral lesions of the skin, such as chickenpox, a reaction to the vaccine, herpes, tuberculosis, external steroid preparations are contraindicated.

Hormonal preparations are applied in a very thin layer on the affected areas of the skin that are most disturbing for the child, treating a small area. With allergic dermatitis and too dry skin, ointments based on oily base are released.

Complications of Atopic Dermatitis

Often, rash with atopic dermatitis is accompanied by a fungal or staphylococcal infection. Then you have to eliminate the infection, and one hormonal ointment will not help. In such cases, combination preparations are recommended, which include glucocorticoid, antifungal and antibiotic.

Despite the importance of treating the external manifestations of atopic dermatitis, one should not forget that this disease affects the entire body and skin, even healthy at first glance. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of this type of allergy should be comprehensive: adhering to the daily routine, diet, skin care, and hydration.

With the age of the child, atopic dermatitis often disappears. Sometimes it recurs, taking other forms. An allergic predisposition of the body can occur with other forms of allergies, such as allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

In any case, at the slightest sign of atopic dermatitis, a specialist consultation is necessary to select the optimal course of therapy and to make a forecast for the development of allergies in the future and the possibilities for its prevention. 

event_note March 24, 2020

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