Signs of Neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is a nervous disorder related to the nature of neurosis. Signs of neurasthenia are in the extreme degree of nervousness, loss of ability for a long time to do the same thing.

A person suffering from neurasthenia experiences a change in the design features of nerve elements. At the same time, the anatomical structure of these nerves remains intact. Often a sign of neurasthenia is a circulatory disorder. Due to the proximity of neurasthenia to neurosis, the signs of neurasthenia can be very similar to other symptoms of disorders of the nervous system.

You need to know that the signs of neurasthenia are heterogeneous. For example, in relation to the psyche, the main manifestation of this violation is considered to be a change in mood and in social behavior. People who suffer from neurasthenia almost always experience a bad mood. Sometimes they believe that everything is so bad that even thoughts of suicide arise.

Another equally common sign of neurasthenia is malaise. People suffering from neurasthenia constantly complain of aches and weaknesses in the body, dizziness and headache. Often with neurasthenia there is intolerance to light – both electric and solar. All patients understand that something is wrong with them. However, they are not trying to make an effort to find out what is the reason for the deterioration of well-being.

Other signs of neurasthenia in terms of mental health include a frequent feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, rapid fatigue and insecurity, sleep quality disturbances and anxiety, guards and anxieties, slowing of intellectual activity, distracted attention and inability to concentrate. 

From the point of view of the physical condition, people with neurasthenia experience tactile sensitivity disorders, “crawling creeps” and soreness of an undefined location.

Paresthesia is also characteristic of the development of neurasthenia. Paresthesia is chills and fever, itching and creeping. With neurasthenia, soreness and paresthesia can occur in any area of ​​the body. Another specific sign of neurasthenia is a constant tinnitus. 

The development of neurasthenia adversely affects the movements and gestures of the patient. Such people have excessive fatigue, significantly reduced ability to work and weakness in all gestures and movements. Sometimes neurotics have movements similar to involuntary spasms. Such phenomena often occur before going to bed.

Neurasthenia cannot but touch the sexual sphere of human life. In particular, this violation is difficult to develop in representatives of the stronger sex. In men, shortening of sexual intercourse is observed, as a result of which a man does not receive pleasure. It is very rare, but it is still possible that neurasthenia could lead to erectile dysfunction.   

Oddly enough, it is a proven fact that neurasthenia adversely affects the work of the digestive tract. Signs of neurasthenia on this side include belching, stool disorders, soreness in the abdomen, and dry mouth. Moreover, the test results do not reveal any violations. 

Another sign of neurasthenia is a disorder of the innervation of the heart muscle. This violation is expressed in a tingling sensation in the chest and in the frequent heartbeat.

Neurasthenia, of course, is not an incurable disease, that is, you can and should fight it – you need to monitor your health.

event_note February 13, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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