Atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by a combination of a genetic predisposition with certain external factors, such as irritating foods, synthetic clothing, cold weather, etc. This is a special form of eczema that can be viewed as a cutaneous expression of atopy, a genetically determined condition that predisposes to the development of allergic manifestations. In simple terms, there are some children who are genetically prone to allergic reactions. When these reactions occur on the baby’s skin, it is called dermatitis.

What are the symptoms and manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis in children is characterized by skin lesions that tend to be very itchy. This is a chronic and recurrent disease that usually appears for the first time in infancy and later goes away completely spontaneously (sometimes about 3 years, almost always before puberty).

The symptoms of dermatitis are characterized by the appearance of lesions on the skin, and the location of these lesions and their type varies depending on age: in infants and young children, there are rashes in rounded red spots localized on the face (except for the mouth contour), the folds of the limbs and in the folds of the body, then , as in older children, dermatitis is localized on the legs and arms, around the mouth and on the eyelids. The affected skin appears dry and thickened in some places.

What are the causes of the disease?

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis appear due to the constitutional predisposition of the child, and under the influence of certain irritating factors – cold weather, woolen clothes, dust, saliva, allergenic products that damage the protective barrier of the skin, causing dryness, itching and redness.

How to cure dermatitis?

Treatment for atopic dermatitis consists only in the usual skin care of the child. There is no specific therapy, it is more correct to talk about consistently following the recommendations of a dermatologist or pediatrician, which change, depending on the clinical manifestation of dermatitis (color of damaged skin, its dryness or moisture).

Thus, the treatment of atopic dermatitis consists in the simple application of moisturizers that increase the ability of the skin barrier to withstand harsh environments, medicinal ointments, with or without cortisone, which provides anti-inflammatory action.

If local therapy does not work and atopic dermatitis interferes with the child’s quality of life, well-being and calmness (sleep disturbance, anxiety due to itching), there are specific drugs that do not treat the dermatitis, but alleviate its manifestations.

If a child, who is already at a meaningful age, experiences discomfort in communicating with peers, it is necessary to provide him with psychological support, reassure him, make it clear that the disease is not serious, albeit unpleasant, not contagious, that dermatitis passes spontaneously, without causing consequences and leaving scars.

event_note August 3, 2020

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