How suspiciousness and anxiety can harm a person?

There is a certain type of people who tend to see the worst in events and relationships with other people. They are distinguished by increased suspiciousness and anxiety, they can take someone’s negative statements at their own expense, look for symptoms of non-existent diseases or suspect that someone is watching them. Anxiety and suspiciousness cause serious damage to the psyche and quality of life of a person, hinder progress and low self-esteem.

Causes of anxiety in humans

There is a situational suspiciousness or anxiety that arises in a specific situation and quickly passes. But in some cases, they become personality traits and significantly poison the life not only of their bearer, but also of those around him. People are not born suspicious and anxious – they become under the influence of certain life circumstances or peculiarities of upbringing.  

In most cases, the development of suspiciousness and anxiety in a person is due to upbringing in the parental family. If a person was overprotected as a child, or he was the object of inflated expectations of his parents, then he is very likely to turn into an anxious adult.

Stress experienced in childhood, adolescence or adulthood can be another cause of the development of anxiety. One or more stressful situations can result in post-traumatic stress disorder, characterized by acute negative experiences – fear and feelings of helplessness.

Anxious people are characterized by such personality traits as increased attention to the opinions of others, vulnerability and resentment. As a result, a person is fixed on the negative sides of life and constantly expects negative from the people around him and from the events taking place. Increased anxiety makes it difficult to move forward and achieve more, and can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system.

Anxiety and suspicion are unfavorable personality traits

One of the most common prerequisites for the occurrence of increased anxiety is the attitude of the parents towards the child. In families with an authoritarian parenting style or a propensity for overprotection, parents may surround their children with many inhibitions, compare with others, or belittle them. At an age when the authority of parents is high enough, children from such families run the risk of becoming suspicious and anxious. Since childhood, they are able to catch bad signs in careless looks or laughter – they believe that people treat them badly.

Surely many have met people who tend to find symptoms of non-existent diseases, especially after reading medical encyclopedias or watching health programs. In addition, they may feel that someone is watching them, which can lead to a more serious mental disorder – persecution mania.

Doubtful people are the most responsible workers. They have a high level of diligence and accuracy. Before submitting a paper or report, they carefully check facts and figures. But increased anxiety is harmful for them, because the fear of error prevents them from moving forward.  

Suspiciousness in raising their own children can develop in them unfavorable personality traits – increased vulnerability, resentment, lack of a sense of security. In a children’s team, such a child can become the object of ridicule or bullying. He feels lonely and abandoned. If a person is worried about his own heightened suspiciousness, because it prevents him from moving forward, then he needs to consult a psychologist and learn the techniques of relaxation and meditation.

Anxious and suspicious people, as a rule, have a negative picture of the world. This is expressed in the perception of the surrounding reality as full of dangers, troubles and negative attitudes of people. A negative picture of the world is formed in people whose basic trust in the world was undermined in childhood due to an unreliable type of attachment, rejection of parents or physical abuse.

To get rid of anxiety, suspicious people are advised to limit their viewing of the news. Reports of natural and man-made disasters contribute to an increase in the level of anxiety. You should also limit or exclude communication with toxic people or “energy vampires”, analyze what makes you happy and what makes you sad.

Mastering meditation and relaxation techniques helps to reduce the level of suspiciousness and causeless anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended to do yoga – regular exercises eliminate muscle clamps and allow you to master the techniques of proper breathing, meditation and relaxation. Pleasant activities and various hobbies help to distract from disturbing thoughts . To do this, an anxious person should remember what he liked to do in childhood or try to fulfill an old dream. 

In some severe cases, anxious people may need to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Sometimes a person is not able to realize the true reason for his own suspiciousness, but it seriously interferes with him in life. If he cannot find a person whom he could trust, then this place may well be taken by a competent psychologist or psychotherapist. Special techniques will help a person understand the reason for their own suspiciousness and begin to get rid of it.

An anxious and suspicious person needs to create a new image of himself with higher self-esteem and clear boundaries of personality. For this, it is important to learn to praise yourself and look for even the smallest achievements. An important quality of a strong and self-sufficient person is self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to stop comparing oneself with others, as a person’s parents may have done, and then this bad habit passed with him into adulthood.

In the absence of due attention to the problem, suspiciousness can develop into an obsessive state and seriously spoil not only mental, but also physical health of a person. To reduce its level, a person needs to reduce the stress level in life, look for strengths in his character and carefully listen to his desires and needs.

event_note November 3, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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