Inhale – anxiety, exhale – relaxation

With anxiety, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is active, excited and predominant. This manifests itself in numerous symptoms, which are often described by the mysterious letters of the VSD, and it is as easy to deal with these manifestations of a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system as controlling your breathing.    Most people experiencing one of the variants of anxiety disorder (hereinafter anxiety) begin with all the fibers of their souls to get rid of frightening symptoms and, in the struggle for peace of mind, are so exhausted that the SNS goes into a stage of slow burning, burning off the remnants of strength.Anxiety: breathe deeply, you are excited!So the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is activated with the first breath, literally from the birth of a person. It is the SNS that drives the fight-or-flight response to stress.Chronic arousal and predominance of the sympathetic nervous system underlies what we call anxiety.If our body, like the body of our ancestors, was in a state of constant combat readiness (active SNS), then we would live like them until about 40 years old.Fortunately, we have another option for responding to stress.I’m talking about parasympathetic activation according to the principle of “rest and digest” (PNS) in contrast to “fight or flight”, which balances the arousal processes so necessary for all of us inhibition.SNS and PNS act in our body as two balancing forces, when one grows, the other descends.PNS is activated at the moment of rest. It sounds strange, but it is. The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), as opposed to the SNS, is necessary and natural for us for life, like exhalation after inhalation.Take 5 inhales and exhales right now more intensely than usual. This will simultaneously give you strength (activates the SNS) and relaxes (activates the PNS).An important thought. It will not be possible to remove anxiety and achieve peace and tranquility by turning off the SNS (to fight the symptoms of VSD). The autonomic nervous system can be kept in harmony only by maintaining the balance of the PNS and SNS.  parasympathetic arousal is the basis of happiness and a feeling of lightness,mild activation of the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for enthusiasm , liveliness and passion,we need sharp bursts of SNS in cases of emergency at work or when we are really in danger.So, if anxiety has become a constant background in your life, then the scale of your autonomic nervous system has swung in the direction of the SNS.So all you need to do now is to start putting pressure on the PNS bowl.Anxiety got – exhale beaver!If you want to shift the balance towards the PNS – exhale, drawl and with relief.FORMULA OF HARMONY AND HAPPINESS: INHALATION = SNS, EXHAUST = PNS.Let’s activate the parasympathetic nervous system – I’ll start in the article, and you will continue in the comments:  Relaxation. Imagine the tension flowing out of your body and absorbing into the ground. Breathe in through your arms, exhale from tense areas of the body, relaxing them. Open your mouth without opening your lips. Take a warm shower, or at least dip your palms into warm water. Abdominal breathing. Breathe in your belly. Literally make an effort with the abdominal wall while inhaling and exhaling. Thus, relax the diaphragm and after it your body will relax. Progressive relaxation. You can find a great video with this technique here.  Take a big breath. I have not confused anything. Take as much air into your lungs as they can hold and the same amount. This will provoke a large exhalation at the end of the practice. And he, in turn, activates the PNS. Kiss. Or kiss your hand – if no one is around. Your lips are literally laced with nerve fibers of the parasympathetic system. If you don’t want to kiss yourself, kiss the kote .  Become aware of the body. Literally: muscles, the way you breathe, notice how you walk, fall asleep, have sex. Consciously eat and send other body needs (yes, I’m talking about that – stop reading in the toilet). Align your heart rate. Inhaling and exhaling on an equal footing. The woman is four, the men are three. Inhale: one, two, three, Exhale: one, two, three. You’re right, I’m talking about square breathing. Because the square has all sides (inhale, pause, exhale, pause are equal). This means that the intervals in the normal state are different between the beats of the heart with such breathing become equal. And the SNS and PNS are balanced, and this is what we need.  Oh, I still have many aces of ways to get rid of anxiety up my sleeve, or rather not to get rid of, but to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).   
event_note July 5, 2021

account_box Winona Tse MD

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