Remedies for itching

Itching is a sensation of scabies on the surface of the skin, not accompanied by painful sensations. Itching causes the need to comb the area of ​​its manifestation. Despite the fact that itching does not cause pain, there is absolutely nothing pleasant in it. Itching can last a very long time. In such a situation, scabies becomes simply unbearable. In addition, the constant combing of the same place leads to a violation of the integrity of the skin – can form severe scratching, erosion and eczema. But it’s not a secret for anyone that skin lesions of this kind are the entrance gate to various infections, including extremely serious ones, and viruses. In this regard, funds from itching are of particular relevance. Remedies for itching can be sold in pharmacies, or you can make remedies for itching with your own hands. It must immediately be noted that the remedies for itching are determined by the cause and type of the disease.

Causes of itching:

– environmental conditions, for example, bites of various insects, chemicals that irritate the skin, household chemicals and cosmetics.

– diseases involving the skin, for example, chickenpox or urticaria, in the pathological process.

– diseases of a systemic nature, for example, disorders of the liver or kidneys.

Itching is believed to begin at the ends of nerve fibers, which are located between the two main layers of the skin – the epidermis and dermis. These nerve endings transmit an impulse to the thalamus, which is an area of ​​the human brain that is responsible for processing information from the senses. Some experts believe that skin itching is a kind of pain, as people who are insensitive to pain and do not feel itching. 

Types of itching:

– acute local skin itching, which, as a rule, disappears after scratching;

– extensive skin itching, which after scratching does not go away.

Remedies for itching caused by environmental conditions

Such remedies for itching make it possible to relieve irritation that has arisen as an allergic reaction to clothing material, household and cosmetic chemicals and insect bites.

– a remedy for itching from tea soda. Rinse the affected skin with water, apply a mass of ordinary tea soda and water, hold for fifteen minutes. After that, rinse the paste with cool water and pat it with a soft towel.

– a remedy for itching with stellate grass. The herbal medicine is used to treat pruritus in the form of a bath or compress. Grass relieves irritation, soothes the skin and softens it. Finely chop the fresh leaves and stems of the plant and add to the bathing water. Or prepare a compress by adding cool water to the eye. Many adherents of herbal medicine advise drinking the infusion of this plant from itching.

– a remedy for itching with witch hazel. This medicine helps with insect bites. To do this, a cotton swab with an extract of a medicinal plant must be applied to the bite site, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to soften the product.

Remedies for pruritus caused by diseases

If skin pruritus has developed on the basis of the disease, it is necessary: ​​firstly, to establish which particular disease caused the itching; secondly, to treat first of all this main disease, since itchy skin is only its symptom. In order to alleviate the itching caused by a systemic disease, you can:

– take a bath with cool water, which helps reduce itching;

– make compresses of starch and milk. To do this, it is necessary to wet a small piece of cotton cloth in low-fat natural milk or in starch with the addition of water, apply a compress to the affected area.

event_note May 7, 2020

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