Where does anxiety come from?

Under anxiety realize stable emotional discomfort, characterized by constant anxiety and apprehension. Today, it is a real mental health problem for many people. First of all, it is caused by the high level of stress, which is the background of the life of modern people. Every day, people receive a huge amount of negative information about terrorist attacks, plane crashes and accidents. This has a negative impact on their emotional state and is one of the main reasons for the development of increased anxiety, anxiety disorders and phobias.  

How is anxiety different from anxiety?

Anxiety differs from anxiety in that it is permanent and is a personality trait. Anxiety can arise situationally in specific situations. A constant anxiety can be the background of a person’s life and seriously poison the life of not only himself, but also his loved ones.

It is natural for every person from time to time to feel anxiety about the health of loved ones, their own financial well-being, the situation in the country and the world. Anxiety is present in the lives of some people all the time. Such people are characterized by excessive suspicion, anxiety, nervousness. Stress in the modern world contributes to the strengthening of internal contradictions between the image of an ideal and a real concrete person. Social attitudes are focused on success in life, and the environment can completely turn away from people with problems. Dissatisfaction with oneself is one of the main reasons for the development of anxiety.

Many people develop a constant state of anxiety in the parental family. If one of the parents is anxious, then the child’s chance of developing such a condition on an ongoing basis increases significantly. To get rid of it, it is necessary to change the person’s idea of ​​himself and his own capabilities.

Causes of Anxiety: High Stress Levels and More

There are several factors that contribute to the development of anxiety states. These include the influence of a negative or traumatic situation from the past, the characteristics of family upbringing, experienced stress or internal conflict. In many cases, the anxious person is unable to appreciate what is happening in the present and constantly thinks about the past or future. This or that event may or may not happen. And the person is already pre-configured for failure.

Family education plays an important role in the development of stable anxiety states. If the parents exposed the child to overprotection or made excessive demands on him, then with a high probability, he will grow up anxious. Children of anxious parents often show excessive caution and fear of situations in which more determined peers are not lost. Moreover, they risk becoming targets of ridicule and bullying , which will further lower their self-esteem. Excessive care of parents and constant fear for the life and health of children makes them suspicious and anxious.

Persistent anxiety can occur in a person as a reaction to a traumatic situation already in adulthood. He will mentally return to this situation and project it onto his life. Two factors in the development of persistent worry and anxiety can overlap. An anxious person from childhood will again and again be afraid of repetition and avoid a traumatic situation, even if there are no prerequisites for this.

In general, an anxious person tends to remember negative events. This prevents him from moving forward and achieving more. As a rule, anxious people have low self-esteem, they are haunted by a constant fear of failure. To completely get rid of persistent anxiety states, you need to work through your own injuries and change your attitude to specific situations. This requires serious prevention of anxiety conditions.  

If parents are aware of a high level of propensity for persistent anxiety and do not want to repeat the same situation for their children, then they need to start with themselves and work first with their childhood traumas and internal conflicts. And this will be the first step in successfully preventing anxiety and unreasonable anxiety in children.  

When an adult begins to experience discomfort from his own unfavorable life situation, then he has to solve the problem of a stable anxiety state on his own. Some psychologists tend to boil down all the failures of a person to childhood trauma and explain it all to a lack of parental love. But these factors can not explain everything. An internal conflict can arise in a person and under the influence of external circumstances in school, adolescence or adulthood.

Persistent anxiety states are treatable and successfully corrected. Psychotherapeutic assistance for anxiety states includes the following stages – identifying the cause of an increased level of anxiety and constant anxiety, correcting a person’s behavior and changing behavioral patterns that negatively affect his life. In some cases, drug psychotherapy is used.

For a long time, paying attention to mental health was not accepted. And today, psychotherapy is shrouded in a number of myths and misconceptions that have nothing to do with reality. But modern parents think about the psychological state of their own child much more than several generations ago. The first step to improving the psychological state of children should be the prevention of anxiety and anxiety.

If you do not pay due attention to getting rid of persistent anxiety states, then they can seriously poison a person’s life and his relationships with others. Anxiety is transmitted to the person’s loved ones and friends, and makes them worry even more. An insecure parent tends to raise an insecure child.

Sports, dancing, or yoga can be good preventive measures. Physical condition affects the state of the psyche, which is important for the health of children and adults. Through regular mental and physical practice, a person can gain self-confidence and improve their quality of life.

event_note November 19, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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