Getting rid of anxiety

Anxiety is a psychological discomfort associated with the expectation of possible anxieties or dangers. This emotional state does not allow a person to relax and enjoy life. It can be either a short-term phenomenon or turn into a constant background feeling of impending troubles. What are the reasons for such persistent negative emotions, and how to deal with them?

Causes of anxiety and other negative emotions

The feeling of anxiety is an important component of normal human adaptation to the surrounding reality. But anxiety, especially if it has become an integral part of the character, interferes with leading a full-fledged lifestyle and significantly reduces the possibilities for his personal growth.

The presence of such negative emotions as persistent fear or anxiety often indicate an individual’s intrapersonal conflict. It can be expressed in the internal contradictions of a person between the level of his claims and real self-esteem or the discrepancy between the idealized and real perception of his own “I”. 

Increased anxiety directly indicates the presence of unmet social and psychological needs. Its constant presence negatively affects human behavior, its ability to interact correctly with other people, as well as the desire for success and making informed decisions.

Psychologists identify the following causes of anxiety.

  • Negative experiences in childhood or adolescence

Some people may experience unreasonable feelings of anxiety as a result of negative emotional experiences (trauma) in the past that they constantly recall in their memory. They often have a desire to ensure maximum control over all aspects of life, and not the ability to put it into practice causes a new round of anxiety and fears.

  • Features of intra-family education

Family relationships have a huge impact on the development of anxiety. It is customary to refer to negative influences as high expectations and requirements for a child, as well as poor relationships with family members. Neuroses, irritability and frequent depression of parents almost always guarantee the emotional instability of children, which persists and becomes stronger with age.

  • Post-traumatic stress

This mental disorder is the result of a severe one-time emotional distress. An individual who has experienced a strong sense of terror, fear, or helplessness in the past often experiences increased anxiety in situations that are far from stressful.

Increased anxiety as one of the features of the human psyche

Anxiety often occurs in women 20-30 years old, although there are often cases when children, as well as elderly people, are exposed to it. Anxiety disorder affects the human psyche , preventing him from leading a measured life and doing his usual activities.  

Increased anxiety causes a person to experience constant anxiety, which is accompanied by various physiological and psychological symptoms. There are several theories to explain its appearance.

Proponents of the psychological theory believe that anxiety arises as a result of a conditioned reaction to various triggers of an annoying nature. Subsequently, this emotion can manifest itself even in the absence of such factors.

Biological theory says that anxiety is a direct consequence of certain physiological abnormalities in the body.

It is also believed that this condition may be the result of poor physical activity and an unbalanced diet. Indeed, to maintain mental balance and physical health, you need: a strict daily regimen, sufficient physical activity and nutrition rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. 

Some people experience anxiety in unfamiliar or new surroundings that seem threatening to them. Sometimes anxiety can accompany certain somatic diseases, hormonal disruptions, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, or when blood glucose levels drop.

Ways to reduce anxiety at home

The life of a modern person is full of anxiety and stress. Various household trifles (conflicts with colleagues, traffic jams, loss of things) can throw many off balance. These types of stress can be overcome with some simple and regularly followed guidelines. However, if you feel your mental health is at risk of a serious anxiety disorder, you should seek the advice of an appropriate specialist.

To reduce anxiety on your own and reduce daily anxiety, follow these tips.

  • Full night rest

Constant sleep deprivation can negatively affect not only the physical condition, but also greatly increase the general anxiety of a person. It is very common for anxiety to trigger sleep problems, and a lack of rest at night increases the feeling of stress.

  • Balanced diet

Feelings of anxiety can affect physical aspects of health such as decreased appetite or the need for certain foods (sweets, junk food). To enable the body to withstand stress, it is necessary to eat properly and regularly. Eating foods rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and complex carbohydrates has a particularly positive effect on reducing anxiety .  

  • Correct breathing

Correct breathing is an excellent tool for preventing panic conditions, as well as a visual indicator of a person’s general level of anxiety. It is necessary to strive for deep, lengthened breathing, which the brain associates with calmness and relaxation.

  • Providing the maximum amount of positive emotions

It has been shown that positive emotions and laughter experienced by a person can affect the reduction of anxiety. For their conscious cultivation, you can recommend watching comedy films, TV shows, or chatting with friends.

  • Correct organization of the workplace

The constant clutter in the workplace creates the feeling that the workload never decreases. You need to regularly bring your desk or work area into a proper condition that will create a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

event_note November 23, 2020

account_box Winona Tse MD

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