Fears? Anxiety? Life doesn’t want to kill you!

It’s almost a magical phrase. Answers many questions. Repeatedly helped me in practice. What if I perform badly tomorrow? What if my child won’t speak? What if I have cancer? What if he leaves me? What if I fall asleep and


It’s almost a magical phrase. Answers many questions. Repeatedly helped me in practice. What if I perform badly tomorrow? What if my child won’t speak? What if I have cancer? What if he leaves me? What if I fall asleep and

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Is your anxiety going off scale?

From the author: self-deception is a drug for the consciousness of a person who thinks that his situation is hopeless … Anxiety goes off scale Anxiety can be divided into 2 types: causal (situational) and unreasonable. Situational


From the author: self-deception is a drug for the consciousness of a person who thinks that his situation is hopeless … Anxiety goes off scale Anxiety can be divided into 2 types: causal (situational) and unreasonable. Situational

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Social anxiety

Social anxiety or social phobia (English social phobia , social anxiety disorder ; SP, SAD; hereinafter referred to as SF) is a strong fear of probable communication / contact with strangers, or the possibility of getting under attention and condemnation. A person is


Social anxiety or social phobia (English social phobia , social anxiety disorder ; SP, SAD; hereinafter referred to as SF) is a strong fear of probable communication / contact with strangers, or the possibility of getting under attention and condemnation. A person is

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Panic attacks, anxiety? What to do, how to be? Simple practice

Feeling anxious is a person’s agitated state. When reality doesn’t match our expectations. Anxiety is a state of disorder.  And if a person is upset, he is not complete. He does not create events, but


Feeling anxious is a person’s agitated state. When reality doesn’t match our expectations. Anxiety is a state of disorder.  And if a person is upset, he is not complete. He does not create events, but

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The anxiety of a real man

Anxious people come with a common request – to reduce anxiety, ideally to remove it altogether. And humanly I understand how much inconvenience this causes. For example, hands and feet shake before an exam or performance. The


Anxious people come with a common request – to reduce anxiety, ideally to remove it altogether. And humanly I understand how much inconvenience this causes. For example, hands and feet shake before an exam or performance. The

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Obsessive thoughts and anxiety. The main self-help method

From the author: In this article, you will learn about a self-help method for obsessive thoughts and anxiety, which has established itself as the most effective among readers of my blog. In this article, you


From the author: In this article, you will learn about a self-help method for obsessive thoughts and anxiety, which has established itself as the most effective among readers of my blog. In this article, you

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Permanent alarm: how to get out of the alarm loop

Constant anxiety, in contrast to situational anxiety, is characterized by the fact that there is cyclicality in it. That is, an anxious person is locked into the cycle of his anxiety. He walks in a circle and it is not


Constant anxiety, in contrast to situational anxiety, is characterized by the fact that there is cyclicality in it. That is, an anxious person is locked into the cycle of his anxiety. He walks in a circle and it is not

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Anxiety as a suppressed impulse of anger

I have already written that anxiety often hides a long-suppressed strong feeling, for example, anger.Especially often women have such a “feeling about feelings” – they are forbidden to be angry, aggressive, active from childhood. The girl


I have already written that anxiety often hides a long-suppressed strong feeling, for example, anger.Especially often women have such a “feeling about feelings” – they are forbidden to be angry, aggressive, active from childhood. The girl

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Anxiety – Stopped Arousal

In Gestalt therapy, there is a view of the experience of anxiety as a stopped arousal.Of course, arousal in psychotherapy does not mean a generally accepted association with sexual tension, or rather not so much


In Gestalt therapy, there is a view of the experience of anxiety as a stopped arousal.Of course, arousal in psychotherapy does not mean a generally accepted association with sexual tension, or rather not so much

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Anxiety and sex

Anxiety disorder occurs for various reasons: a constitutional factor, organic disorders, prolonged exposure to stress, intrapersonal conflict (a conflict of interests of the individual with the requirements of the environment or one’s own limiting beliefs),


Anxiety disorder occurs for various reasons: a constitutional factor, organic disorders, prolonged exposure to stress, intrapersonal conflict (a conflict of interests of the individual with the requirements of the environment or one’s own limiting beliefs),

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